Finding new customers has changed remarkably in the last few years. Customers no longer want to invest a lot of time searching for you or your services.
The solution, the Google search engine. This tool has made this process much easier and certainly less time-consuming. Google has no equal in understanding what searchers are looking for, it borders on the creepy when you type in a few letters and it seems to almost read your mind by offering up potential suggestions. This “artificial intelligence” phenomenon is just getting started.
If you haven’t embraced Google AdWords, I have one simple question for you – “why the heck not?”. This question may seem provocative, but the only real reason I can think of is that you already have enough business or zero desire for growth. I hardly think many businesses fall into this category so consider 5 reasons to add AdWords and get more new customers.
It Works! Google AdWords Increases Customers and Leads
Google AdWords allows you to target only customers who have an interest in your services and reside in your service area. This eliminates the “spray and pray” marketing strategy that has consumed a large portion of your advertisement budget in years past. How effective is AdWords? We know AdWords is the fuel to Google’s bottom line, period. They wouldn’t be a goliath company if this service was ineffective…enough said, it works! As A Google Partner, we manage AdWords for many customers just like you and they see the results daily.
Fast, Transparent Results
Did I mention Google AdWords is FAST! Start a Google AdWords campaign today and see results tomorrow. The speed and targeting flexibility allows you to get your advertisements in front of the right customer, during a period when the customer is deciding on service providers. Google calls this the “Zero Moment of Truth” or ZMOT. This moment is defined as the exact moment when someone decides to engage with your company or not. If your company isn’t present in this ZMOT phase, then…well, you know the answer. Thus, incremental sales improve as you’re able to present the right offer at the right moment to the right customer. Read More